We aim to strengthen, include, advocate for, and connect Whatcom County’s Latino communities to share resources and support each other. Our mission is to make alliances and collaborate for the well being of our community.

Feel free to reach out if you would like to be involved or have any questions.

LALA Whatcom

Send a message to LALA - Whatcom

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Interested in becoming a member of the Latino Advocacy and Leadership Association- Whatcom (LALA-W)?

Please do so via the Contact Us form above.

NOTE:  It’s best if you use your personal email as many organizations have firewalls that prevent our messages to get through).  We also would appreciate knowing if you have a professional affiliation (school, business, non-profit, etc.). Finally, we welcome learning about personal areas of interest/expertise (business, mental health, food security, education, human rights, immigration, etc.) related to serving the Latino community in Whatcom.